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(Re)Gaining Ecological Futures

date. 2022

place. Kunnumpuran, Kochi, Kerala, India

description. Student fieldwork

team. Mohammadreza Movahedi, Eloise Veronique Marie Redon, Maria Magdalena Mühleisen and Nahida Yeasmin Tonni (NTNU), with the help of Aidan Africa and Seth Kriger (UCT).

This student project focuses on a neighbourhood in Fort-Kochi called Kunnumpuram, and located between two cannals, the Calvathi canal and the Eraveli canal. Both canals were originally built during the British colonization and served the dual purpose of dividing areas and as a route for the transportation of goods. This area has a rich historical context and is referred to as "Mini India", as it is rich in culture and religion, embodying the different faces of India.

The neighbourhood is a low-income area affected by a series of environmental, social, economic and governance issues that have been negatively affecting the residents 'livelihoods'. However, lots of potential was recognized, reinforcing the idea that Kunnumpuran has the capacity to become a thriving, resilient and inclusive community.

Visualise the full project report here

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